“The environment is in us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs, the rivers our bloodstream, and what you so to the environment, ultimately, you do to yourself.” – Ian Somerhalder


We are committed to …

We are committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment. We accept responsibility for harmful effects our operations may have on the environment at both a local and global scale and we are committed to reducing them.

The key points of our strategy to achieve this are to:

  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.

  • Minimise emissions through the selection of our vehicles and evaluating our travel arrangements.

  • Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our office facility.

  • Promote both efficient use of materials and the use of sustainable materials in our work.

  • Implement training programmes for our staff to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in improving our performance.

  • Actively promote recycling and the use of sustainable materials amongst our partners and clients.

  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to our company.

  • Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimise the social impact and damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of current and planned future activities.


As an FSC ® certified supplier we aim to use sustainable materials in our work and to make customers aware of the environmental impact of materials before commencing a given project.

We specify FSC whenever possible and can advise at the outset of a project the environmental impacts a chosen timber will have. As an overview we:

  • Design in wood when the promotion or display item has a long shelf life, negating the need to redesign and replace.

  • Our FSC partners can always maintain our Environmental Chain of Custody

  • All our partners support the environmental purchasing policies of the Timber Trade Federation.

  • Our partners minimise waste and consistently evaluate their operation to improve effciency.



We always aim to use sustainable materials in our work and to make customers aware of the environmental impact of materials within a given project. Most of the metal used for the manufacture of our products and displays is CR4 sheet steel that has a 25% -30% recycled content.

CR4 steel is one of the world’s most widely recycled materials, coupled with the longevity expected with a metal display, by its nature, it is more sustainable.

We have recycling collection facilities in place and will always recycle old display metal that is returned to our premises at the end of its lifecycle.

In instances where metals are not returned, we promote customers to recycle displays.


Since 2012 we have been using less plastic in our work, we now produce less than 10% of our work using plastic and when we do, we use recyclable options.

Our partners take measures to reduce the impact further by:

  • All plastic trim and waste is sent for granulation to make it efficient to store and then sold to converters to make sheets or injection moulding granules.

  • Material is only ever ordered in exact quantities from the supplier reducing over manufacture.

  • All plastic suppliers recycle waste plastic, cardboard and paper waste and plastic wrapping.

  • Atmospheric exhaust is kept to a minimum with both wet and dry filtration processes.

  • COSSH and WEE directives within the factory environment are constantly addressed.

  • We do not recommend the use of PVC.

We actively promote recycling with our partners and meet or exceed all environmental legislation relating to the company, including timber usage, finishing, extraction, and painting facilities.